Information about Crossbows

You're planning to buy a crossbow and would like more information. Then you're in the right place! In this article, we will tell you everything there is to know about crossbows. So that you can make the right choice when you make your purchase. Among other things, we will tell you how to assemble a crossbow, how to tension a bowstring, what to look out for when you want to shoot safely with a crossbow and which different crossbows there are. Shooting with a crossbow is incredibly fun, these powerful devices can hit targets at long distances with a lot of force. But shooting a crossbow is not as easy as it looks. If you don't handle the crossbow properly, it can break down or accidents can happen. So read on quickly and gain valuable knowledge that will help you handle your crossbow responsibly and professionally.

How do I assemble a crossbow?

When you buy a crossbow, it is often not yet fully assembled. Your crossbow comes with instructions on how to assemble it step by step. Broadly speaking, you should go through the following steps:

STEP 1: Assemble the bow on the crossbow

The crossbow comes with a bag containing screws, nuts, metal and rubber plates. To mount the bow, you need one matching nut, one plate made of metal, two made of rubber and the bow. In the front of the frame of the crossbow is a square opening through which you insert the bow. There are two lines on the bow, make sure the bow is placed exactly between these lines in the frame. After placing the bow, place a rubber plate in front of and behind the bow in the recess of the frame. Place the metal plate in front of the rubber plate. Now you can fix the arch with the included nut. Screw the nut at the front of the frame against the metal plate. By tightening the nut, you ensure that the arch remains firmly in place.

STEP 2: Mount the foot bar

To string a heavy crossbow, you need a foot bar. This is where you put your foot through when tensioning the string. The foot bracket is screwed to the underside of the frame via two screws. Look for matching screw holes on the frame where you can mount the bracket.

STEP 3: Mount the arrow holder (Quiver)

Some crossbows come with an arrow holder (also known as a quiver). This arrow holder consists of the holder where the arrows are inserted and a quick release mounting piece with which the arrow holder is mounted on the frame. Mount the quick release mounting piece with two screws on the bottom of the crossbow. Make sure that the back of the arrows point towards the hand you want to use to load the arrows so you have quick access to this while shooting.

STEP 4: Mount the string on the bow

Mounting the string on the bow is very tough. A crossbow that has 150 LBS of shot power has a tensioning force of about 75 kilos. To get the string onto the bow, you have to manage to bend the arms of the bow with almost the same force so that the string can be tensioned. You can also use a tensioning aid for this. Clamping without a tensioning aid is best done with two people at the same time. Before mounting the bowstring, the bow should be fitted with the plastic end caps that come with the bowstring.

You proceed in the following way. Make sure one of the tendon loops is already attached around the recess at the end of the bow. You also put the bow through the other loop (you can't get it into the recess yet). Make sure the frame of the bow with the shoulder piece is firmly on the ground. Have someone push with great force on the arms of the bow so that it bends. Now the person with their hands free can slide the loop that is not yet attached in the recess at the end of the bow arm forward until it is securely fixed in the recess. The tendon is now securely mounted on the bow. You do not need to disassemble the string of a crossbow every time unless you are not going to use the crossbow for a longer period of time.

How do I mount a string on a crossbow?

Fitting a string to a crossbow is best done by two people and goes as follows:

STEP 1: Attach the plastic end caps to the bow

STEP 2: Place the crossbow on the shoulder piece firmly on the ground

STEP 3: Attach one string loop around one of the bow's end caps, insert the bow through the other string loop.

STEP 4: Push forcefully on the arms of the bow so that it bends. Don't be afraid to apply force, this is necessary to bend the bow and fit the tendon.

STEP 5: Push the tendon loop that is not yet mounted on an end cap towards the end cap until it is firmly in place.

You have now securely mounted the tendon on the bow. Always check a tendon for damage and drying out. This can damage a bowstring so much that it may snap.

How do I tension the string on a crossbow?

The string on a crossbow is tensioned by pulling it all the way back until it sticks behind the trigger mechanism and is locked in place.

Tensioning a crossbow is incredibly difficult. This is because the average draw of a rifle crossbow is around 150 LBS, about 75 kilos. So when tensioning the bow, you pull up almost 75 kilos with your fingers on the string. To make this easier, most crossbows have a foot brace. You can use this brace to, you guessed it, insert your foot. This creates counter pressure when you try to pull the tendon upwards. In many cases, tensioning a crossbow is still too heavy for many people. In that case, use a tensioning aid. A tensioning aid is a tool that makes tensioning the string through the use of pulleys easier. To tension a crossbow string, proceed as follows:

STEP 1: Put your foot through the foot brace

STEP 2: Hold the shoulder piece of the crossbow stock firmly against your chest

STEP 3: Grasp the string with two hands, as close as possible to the arrow bar (centre piece where the arrow will rest on).

STEP 4: Keep your arms extended as much as possible and move up with your back while holding the string firmly. Continue until you feel the tendon engage behind the trigger system.

Most crossbows automatically go to safety when cocked. This prevents your crossbow from accidentally firing after tensioning with all the dangers that entails.

How do I use a crossbow tensioning aid?

You can use a crossbow tensioning aid to tension the string of your crossbow onto the bow. This is different from tensioning the bowstring so you can fire a shot. You only use a crossbow tensioning aid on recurve crossbows (a crossbow without pulleys like a compound crossbow). A tensioning aid is often not supplied as standard with the crossbow; you can order it separately on our website.

You can use the tensioning aid as follows:

STEP 1: Attach the tensioning aid just as you would attach a normal string, to the recesses at the end of the bow.

STEP 2: Tension the tensioning aid as you would tension a normal tendon. You pull it all the way through until it locks behind the trigger system.

STEP 3: Attach the tendon around the recesses at the end of the bow, next to the loops of the tensioning aid. It is important that the tendon is inserted through the loops of the tensioning aid when fitted.

STEP 4: Hold the tensioning aid firmly and pull the trigger, the tensioning aid now comes loose (with quite a lot of force, bear this in mind).

STEP 5: Remove the tensioning aid from the bow.

How do I use a crossbow tensioner?

A crossbow tensioning aid is used to make tensioning a crossbow easier. Simple recurve crossbows are already quite heavy and require quite a bit of force to tension. An average recurve crossbow, for instance, has a tensioning force of up to 75 kilos. In addition, compound crossbows are extra heavy; the tensioning force of a compound crossbow often goes up to 105 kilos. The use of a tensioning aid is therefore recommended. Firstly, because it allows you to tension the crossbow a lot faster, but also because it reduces the risk of damaging the bow or your hands. If you accidentally let go of the string during tensioning, there is a chance that the bow will break, with all its consequences.

A tensioning aid is used as follows:

STEP 1: Hook the tendon hooks of the tensioning aid on either side of the arrow batten (centre piece where the arrow will lie).

STEP 2: Take the piece of cord from the tensioning aid between the tendon hooks and pull it all the way back. You will see a groove behind the mounting rail or keep of your crossbow. Put the string in here.

STEP 3: Insert your foot through the foot brace.

STEP 4: Pull the handles of the tensioner towards you (upwards) so that the string is slowly tensioned. Once the tendon sticks behind the trigger mechanism, the tendon is fully tensioned.

STEP 5: Remove the tensioning aid before shooting.

How do I place an arrow in a crossbow?

You don't place an arrow in a crossbow until you have tensioned it and set it to safe. If you do not do this and already place the arrow on the arrow bar, there is a chance that you will accidentally fire it when you accidentally release the string during tensioning. Like the arrows of handbows, the arrows of a crossbow generally have three springs. One of these springs is a different colour to the other springs (often red). You place this red feather in the groove of the arrow bar (the piece in the middle where the arrow eventually lands). Make sure you push the arrow all the way back until it can't go any further back. If the arrow is too far forward, the string may fly under the arrow after you fire the bow. This can damage the bow and the string. Also, in some cases, the crossbow may not fire at all if you haven't pushed the arrow far enough back.

How do I enable or disable my crossbow's safety?

Almost every modern crossbow is equipped with a safety system that prevents the string from accidentally shooting forward when it is in tensioned position. In most cases, this safety is switched on immediately after tensioning the string. After tensioning the bow as well as positioning the arrow, you can push the safety forward, making firing the bow possible. As mentioned, the safety of a crossbow is often located on the side of the bow directly behind where the ridge of the arrow lies once the arrow is loaded in the crossbow.

What target can I shoot at with a crossbow?

A crossbow has incredible power and a huge range. It is therefore important that you ALWAYS shoot at a suitable and high-quality target pack so that the crossbow's arrows do not break down or dangerous situations can arise such as an arrow bouncing off. If you shoot an arrow at a piece of wood, tree or other hard target, the arrow will most likely break, bend or snap. Should the arrow miraculously not break, it will then be virtually impossible to remove it from the target without leaving the arrowhead behind.

It is therefore best to shoot with a crossbow at a target pack designed for this purpose. These are round targets made of compressed straw that slow down the arrow on impact so that the force of the impact does not hit the arrow directly. These target suits last a very long time, so you can keep shooting at them for a long time, and using a suitable target suit will keep your arrow in one piece.

Besides using a suitable target suit when shooting a crossbow, you should always consider the range of an arrow. A crossbow arrow that misses its target can go a long way. Therefore, always make sure no people or animals walk behind the target suit or that the arrow can be well caught.

How do I relax the string of a crossbow without firing it?

It can happen that you have accidentally tensioned the string of a crossbow but do not want to fire it. Under no circumstances can you fire the crossbow without an arrow (that way the crossbow will probably break down immediately). The crossbow is cocked? So how do you relax a crossbow without firing it? This goes as follows. Ask someone to help you with this. Grasp the string firmly with two hands and pull it back so that the string is no longer leaning against the trigger mechanism. The second person then pulls the trigger. Now you can slowly slide the tendon back to the front.

Which arrows are best to choose for my crossbow?

When picking the suitable crossbow arrows, you generally come across two important criteria namely the length of the arrow and the material the arrow is made of. The ideal length for a suitable arrow for your crossbow is largely determined by the manufacturer of your crossbow. Therefore, when you buy your crossbow, always read what kind of arrow you need. In most cases, compound crossbows require an arrow with a length between 20 and 22 inches. For smaller crossbows (recurve), 14- or 16-inch arrows can also be used. Not sure? Look at the arrows that come with the crossbow, of these you can be sure that they are suitable.

Besides the length, the material type of the arrow is also an important factor when you go to pick the best arrow for your crossbow. The best material for a crossbow arrow is carbon. Crossbow arrows made of carbon can bend without becoming crooked. Even if you miss your target and accidentally hit something hard, the arrow will not break down in most cases. Carbon only breaks down when it bends over a certain limit and breaks as a result. We therefore always recommend carbon arrows for compound crossbows given the great strength of these crossbows. Besides carbon, aluminium is a budget-friendly option as a material for a crossbow arrow. An aluminium arrow is quite sturdy and often saves almost half the price compared to carbon arrows. Given the lower power of recurve crossbows, you can feel free to use aluminium arrows. Aluminium arrows are also highly recommended when practising shooting a crossbow. Sometimes you miss the target after which the arrow is shot into the ground. You won't find these arrows again, which is a waste of money if you were to use a carbon arrow.

What does LBS stand for in a crossbow?

LBS stands for the number of pounds of pull a handbow or crossbow can produce. For example, a crossbow with 150 lbs has about 75 kg of pulling power. When buying a crossbow, the number of lbs translates to the ease with which the crossbow can be cocked and loaded (the lower the number of lbs the easier the bow can be cocked). In addition, the number of lbs represents the amount of force with which the crossbow can be fired. A crossbow with more lbs has more power than a crossbow with less lbs.

What types of crossbows are there?

Roughly speaking, you can distinguish two different crossbow systems; recurve crossbows and compound crossbows.


As with handbows, the compound system allows the bow to be tensioned with greater force. Thanks to the pulleys of a compound system, you can therefore get more force out of a crossbow while, relatively to a recurve crossbow, it is also easier to tension. Furthermore, the bow of a compound crossbow can also be made narrower thanks to these pulleys. This makes compound crossbows incredibly good to use during hunting. One disadvantage of compound crossbows is that they are generally heavier and larger in weight than recurve crossbows. Furthermore, it is difficult to re-tension a compound crossbow because the tension on the bow is many times greater than that of a recurve crossbow and the cable system is quite complicated.


A recurve crossbow is a crossbow with a single bow bar whose ends are slightly bent forward. Crossbows in this form have existed in different shapes and variations for centuries. The principle of a recurve crossbow is a lot simpler than that of a compound crossbow because there are no pulleys involved. For this reason, tensioning or replacing the string when it is broken is a lot simpler than that of a compound bow. Furthermore, recurve crossbows are generally less powerful than compound crossbows. Other advantages of recurve crossbows are that they are lightweight, easy to take apart or repair and very budget-friendly.

Besides these two systems, there are numerous differences that are not essential but can differentiate between different crossbows. Consider a crossbow with pistol or rifle stock, with magazine or quick-release system.


Pistol crossbows are incredibly fun to shoot with and require less force to string up. In addition, they are small in size and therefore very handy. In addition, the arrows of a pistol crossbow are a lot cheaper than those of rifle crossbows, so breaking an arrow is also less of a problem. A pistol crossbow has a tensioning force of between 50 and 80 lbs, considerably lower than a rifle crossbow!


Archery manufacturers like EK Archery have added many technical upgrades to their crossbows in recent years. For example, crossbows like the R9 Cobra feature a quick-release system that allows you to quickly cock your crossbow from a standing position. This makes shooting a crossbow not only faster but also a lot easier. The advantage of such a system is that the crossbow can fire arrows with greater frequency with relatively high power.


Marketed by the same designers of the quick-release system are the crossbows with magazine. To fulfil many a boy's dream, EK Archery has developed a magazine that can be placed on top of a crossbow. As these crossbows also feature a quick-release system, you can now fire several arrows at high speed at lightning speed without having to put the crossbow on the ground as a result. A great fun system that has a relatively simple operation. The crossbow in question? The Cobra Adder RX from EK Archery!

How do I handle a crossbow safely?

Handling a crossbow safely follows the same principle as a firearm, air rifle or airsoft replica. In addition, there are some safety rules that apply only to crossbows and we are going to tell you why. First, the safety rules for shooting a crossbow.

General safety rules for shooting a crossbow

  • Never point a loaded crossbow at a human or animal
  • Only load an arrow into the crossbow when you intend to shoot
  • Never just put a loaded crossbow away
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you intend to shoot
  • Make sure you shoot in a safe direction and at a target that is suitable for it

Specific safety rules for shooting a crossbow

  • NEVER fire a crossbow without an arrow
  • Never hold your thumb in front of the string when firing the crossbow
  • Check the crossbow and the string for damage before shooting
  • Use the right arrows for your crossbow

When you go shooting with a gun, you keep in mind certain safety regulations to avoid accidents. It is therefore vital that these rules are followed at all times. If not, a small mistake or accident could cost someone their life. By never pointing a crossbow at anyone, you prevent anyone from being hit when the crossbow accidentally goes off. If you only load the crossbow when you start shooting, even if it accidentally goes off, the bow cannot do any damage. The same goes for putting away a loaded crossbow. Keeping your finger away from the trigger is a general rule applied in shooting sports. This way, people around you can see that you are handling the weapon responsibly. A crossbow produces an enormous amount of power, so using a good target suit is essential. If you use a target that is not sturdy enough, the arrow will fly through it and can still hit anything behind it. Also keep in mind that you can miss the target. A crossbow arrow carries tremendously far and can fly up to 50-70 metres when fired straight.

Beyond the general rules for shooting a crossbow safely, there are also specific rules. For example, it is disastrous for a crossbow to shoot without an arrow. The force vibrating through the bow is so great that the bow itself can break (explode) and the string can jump. This can injure the archer or people around him. Furthermore, it is extremely dangerous to hold your thumb or any other finger in front of the string of a tensioned crossbow. So make sure when holding the crossbow that you always point your thumb downwards. It is also important to check the crossbow properly before using it. Check that the string is not torn or frayed and that the bow of the crossbow is still securely mounted on the stock. Finally, it is important to use the right arrows specifically intended for your crossbow. If you use an arrow that is too short, this can cause dangerous situations.

How far can I shoot with a crossbow?

A modern crossbow can shoot up to 500 metres (which is why it is important to shoot at a suitable target pack and take precautions if you miss the target). The effective range of a crossbow at which you can still hit the target properly is 80 metres for a very experienced archer. For less experienced shooters, the range of 30-35 metres will already be difficult to hit. The above is based on compound crossbows. A recurve crossbow is accurate to 30 metres. Never shot a crossbow before? Then start with a target pack at 25 to 30 metres and gradually move it further back to practise at longer distances.

How should I aim with a crossbow?

Do you possess a crossbow with keep and grain? Then aiming can be quite a task. As with archery, you tend to use the arrow as an indicator when aiming and try to aim the arrow at the target. You will find that in that case, you always shoot over the target. This is because you look over the arrow and therefore have a distorted view of where the arrow should end up. Especially when aiming at shorter distances (up to about 25 metres), you will see that the arrow flies over the target. It is therefore wise to start by adjusting your keep and grain. You do this by placing the target pack at 25 metres, aiming with the arrow under the target and making a shot. Remember where at that moment the keep and grain were aimed. Do you hit the target suit? Then see to what extent the hit point matches the keep and grain. Does the arrow come out lower than the keep grain? Then turn the keep further up. Does the arrow come out higher? Then turn the keep down. Adjusting your aiming equipment can only be done by shooting and at first this can be frustrating. By adjusting your crossbow this way, you learn a lot about the trajectory of the arrow and how your crossbow behaves at different distances. This helps you learn how to shoot the crossbow better!

How do I maintain a crossbow?

A crossbow doesn't need much maintenance as long as you store it in a dry place, preferably in a matching crossbow bag. The main parts of a crossbow that need maintenance are the string and arrow bar. A tendon should be well greased so that it remains flexible and does not dry out. Lubrication is done with tendon wax, which in many cases comes with the crossbow or can be bought separately. You also use this wax to grease the arrow bar (the piece the string slides over), which also prevents damage to the string and makes it last longer.

Besides maintaining the string, it is a good idea to check the crossbow frequently for damage. Checking the screws and nuts that hold the bow to the frame is also part of regular crossbow maintenance.

How fast does the arrow of a crossbow fly?

The most powerful crossbows shoot arrows at a speed of 400 feet per second or 122 metres per second. The average speed of a compound crossbow is between 280 - 350 feet per second or 85 - 107 metres per second.

How much energy does the arrow of a crossbow produce?

When a crossbow fires a 420-grain arrow at 400 feet per second, the arrow produces 203 Joules of kinetic energy. If you use the same arrow of 420 grains but shoot with a crossbow with less force like 280 feet per second, for example, then the crossbow produces 99 Joules of kinetic energy.

What additional parts should I buy for my crossbow?

Most crossbows come with all the necessary parts to shoot well with this. We advise our customers to always have an extra string behind them so that, if it breaks, it can be replaced easily and quickly. Furthermore, you can purchase a tensioning aid or clamping aid if it is not sold with your crossbow. Do you have a mounting rail on your crossbow? Then you can choose to attach a red dot or magnifying scope to the crossbow. This will make shooting over longer distances considerably easier.

Which target suit is suitable for my crossbow?

Crossbows need a sturdy target suit that will catch the arrow without damaging it. It is also important that the arrow does not end up too deep in the target suit so that it cannot be taken out again. Are you using a crossbow with more than 175 lbs of power? Then it is wise to buy a sturdy target suit made of straw. We also recommend shooting the target suit at a distance of at least 20 metres. The arrow will then have lost some of its energy so it will not remain too deep in the target suit. Do you use a recurve crossbow? Then you can use A&F's Shooting Bag. For light crossbows with a power of 120 lbs or lower, you can use a multifoam target suit. Even with the multifoam target suits, make sure to keep enough distance between the shooter and the target.

Which crossbow should I buy?

Buying a crossbow can sometimes be complicated. We offer crossbows of many different quality classes, systems and types on our website. To make the choice easier, you can ask yourself the following questions.

  • What am I going to use the crossbow for?
  • What is my budget?
  • Do I have enough space to shoot with this crossbow?

First, the question of what am I going to use the crossbow for? The answer is obvious, to shoot with, of course! But this very thing requires some context. For example, if you only have 10 metres to shoot then a compound crossbow of 400 fps can be life-threatening unless you take the right precautions. In that case, a light recurve crossbow or pistol crossbow can be not only safer but also more fun. After all, tensioning the bow is a lot easier which will make you shoot more. If you want a crossbow with which you could hunt (abroad, of course), you can hardly do without a powerful compound crossbow. Even if you shoot over longer distances such as 50 to 60 metres, you will benefit from a compound crossbow. Do you enjoy shooting recreationally with friends in the garden? Then a fast-loading crossbow with magazine is highly recommended, this because the model is unique, easy to use, reload and can be used at reasonably short distances. Pistol crossbows are also very good for this kind of purpose. Finally, you might want a crossbow that you could use in a survival situation. Then look at lightweight recurve bows. These are easy to use, have relatively high power, are easy to repair when they break down and are not expensive.

Do you still have questions about crossbows after reading this article? Then feel free to contact us at or call us at +310203705658.